In their relentless pursuit of innovative fashion, Suicoke and Midorikawa are once more coming together, unveiling their third installment of “FiveFingers” footwear.
In a departure from previous releases earlier this year, these four new silhouettes set a higher standard. However, in line with their past collections, each of these shoes boasts Vibram’s cutting-edge MEAGAGRIP sole technology.
With high-top designs available in vivid shades of green with fuchsia toenails, and purple with blue toenails, as well as more muted options in grey and ivory, the latest Suicoke x Midorikawa creations have already taken the world of social media by storm, captivating audiences with their whimsical aesthetics.
The Suicoke x Midorikawa collection, will be released October 18, on Dover Street Market, VELVET and the official Suicoke website.