In the realm of Gucci’s creative direction, Sabato De Sarno, succeeding Alessandro Michele, introduces his inaugural collection for the brand’s men’s line during Milan Fashion Week, showcasing the allure of the Fall/Winter 2024 ensemble.
At the heart of this collection lies the concept of “ancora,” an Italian term translating to “still” in English, a thematic exploration that has been at the forefront of the Neapolitan designer’s contemplation since taking on the role. Accompanying the collection is a manifesto from Gucci, offering a contextual lens into its universe, culminating with the declaration, “It’s a narrative encompassing everything, revisited yet now articulated through joy.”
De Sarno’s design philosophy maintains a seamless thread, presenting understated and refined silhouettes that reconfigure the traditional codes of men’s fashion. The distinguished Gucci Rosso takes center stage, resurrected from the brand’s archives and prominently featured across a spectrum of garments and accessories. Furthermore, De Sarno introduces a fresh interpretation of Gucci’s iconic monogram, skillfully adapted to align with the brand’s evolving narrative. This collection marks a compelling chapter in Gucci’s journey, blending tradition with innovation under De Sarno’s visionary direction.
Photos: Gucci