One of the biggest announcements at BlizzCon 2021 was Diablo II: Resurrected, the remastering of the legendary game, where fans of the franchise will be able to enjoy this new and improved version on both computers and consoles.
Diablo 2: Resurrected will include both Diablo 2 and the Lord of Destruction expansion section. As something extra, the game is released across platforms with cross progression, which means that you can play your diablo character with saved data across PC, Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch.
Blizzard has promised fans that Diablo II: Resurrected will respect the legacy of the original game, by including content from the base game and its Lord of Destruction expansion. As for the visual improvements, the company remastered all the graphics, so PC gamers can enjoy it in 4K.
For a more accessible experience, the user interface will be redesigned so that item descriptions can now be compared, there will be automatic assignments to a group in multiplayer games and other improvements so that information can be consulated more easily.
Players will have no trouble storing their most valuable items as there will be an expanded stash. A shared stash tab will be added to transfer gear between multiple heroes on the same account. To make matters worse, the personal stash will now have a dimension of 10 × 10. The title will also feature a game option for up to 8 players, where each participant can bring their own mercenary. So the title screens will have more action than ever. Lastly, cross progression will be available after launch.
Diablo 2 Resurrected is scheduled to be released on consoles and Windows PC later this year, with a single-player beta available in a few months.