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Instagram has announced the launch of Reels, a new functionality to compete against the social network of the moment, TikTok.

Reels will be integrated within the application itself and will follow the short video creation format, which is succeeding among the youngest. It will include simple video and audio editing tools, just like its competitor.

Instagram has made its new feature debut in India, due to the recent ban on the use of TikTok in the Asian country, along with 58 other applications developed in China. Other countries in which Reels has been tested have been France, Germany and Brazil. “The community of countries in which we have conducted our tests has overwhelmed us with their creativity, we are receiving many requests from creators around the world for us to enable Reels in their area,” adds a spokesperson for Facebook, owner of Instagram.
The functionality is rumored to arrive in other countries in August, as there will be 50 countries that will receive an update.