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Iconic US-based Danish designer, Peter Jensen, returns to his home country, Denmark, to present his new fashion brand “YOURS TRULY” during CPHFW Press Release, Copenhagen, July 2024
After more than twenty-seven years of living and working abroad — the first twenty years in the UK designing his own namesake Ready-to-Wear brand and overseeing the MA program at the renowned talent factory Central Saint Martins School of Design, followed by five years teaching and eventually serving as Chair of Fashion in SCAD Atlanta — Peter Jensen has chosen Copenhagen and Copenhagen Fashion Week to launch his new brand “YOURS TRULY” along with his first collection. Known for his quirky and ultra-Danish style and inspiring storytelling full of historical and cultural references from his beloved home country, Denmark, Peter’s ties to his homeland remain profound.
“For the industry in which I work and create my ideas, I feel that we have come to a standstill, and it’s time to stop and think about fundamental questions – why did we do this in the first place? What is the essence of the fashion designer’s job? And why did it become something for everybody to have an opinion about?”
– Peter Jensen
The “YOURS TRULY” project is born as a fusion of sustainable fashion and emerging artistry, rooted in an aesthetic influenced by the homespun and folkloric. It started as an online gallery where up-and- coming artists could exhibit their work digitally in order to democratise the art world by providing emerging talents with global visibility. Eventually, “YOURS TRULY” has evolved also into a clothing brand, offering a sustainable and gender-neutral collection inspired by the humble yet versatile artist’s smock.
Styling: Jacob Kjeldgaard /Streeters London Makeup: Rikke Dengsø /Artists Unit Hair: Marianne Jensen
Photo by Lasse Bak Mejlvang Photo Assistant: Lukas Morio
Interview set up by SVPR.
Hi Peter! It’s a pleasure to sit down with you! First question that I always ask. How does a regular day look like for you on Vesterbro, Copenhagen?
And you, very nice. Hahaha that’s a funny question, and I’m not sure how to answer this.
I’m curious. Growing up, what kind of kid were you, what did you enjoy doing and how did you spend your time?
I loved my own company, and making up items if not clothing then drawings, collages etc. I grow up in the country side in the north of Denmark, the days was long somedays, but I wouldn’t have wished for anything else. I loved it.
So when did you start showing an interest in fashion?
Very early on, around when I was 11. I started to make stuff on my mom’s sewing machine, and would wear it to school. I would make a mini skirt and style it with my school uniform, I understood something about dressing up but if that had anything to do with fashion I don’t know.
With that in mind.. Back in 1997 you start your own renowned namesake clothing brand. Can you tell me about what inspired that idea, as well as the process?
That is not 100% true. I graduated from the MA at St. Martins in 1999, and straight after this I got offered a deal with an Italian company to start my own business, this was very lucky as it is very hard to start one’s own business. It’s very simple, the business started then and finished in 2018 when I sold it to a Korean company.
During this time, were there anybody guiding you? And how did you get your foot in the door of the fashion world?
I could always go to Professor Louise Wilson OBE, who had been my mentor during my years on the MA. She was a clever, bright, strong women and she would give you a straight answer. She was a big help.
Finding manufacturers for quality garments and materials can be tedious and difficult. Can you tell me about the initial process of sourcing garments for Peter Jensen?
It is always important to find the perfect partner to work with during one’s production of clothing, that is why you never give away the contact when you find a good place.
Alright Peter, with these next couple of questions im gonna go back in time, so please correct me if I fuck up the timeline… You ran Peter Jensen clothing all the way till 2018, while living in London. Then after 21 years, you decide to sell the brand to Korean based Pastel World. First I wanna ask the obvious: Why did you decide to sell
That is very simple I got a good piece , and I needed a break from the fashion world. I had a plan to take 5 years off, but then I got offered a job in America, and I said yes to that.
And second: Can you walk me through that whole process, from first initial thought of selling, to getting in contact with Pastel World, and at last, selling your lifes work?
That is a good question, which I wish I could talk about, but I can’t. Sorry.
So that whole experience… months after, what was the aftermath like? What kind of thoughts were running through your head?
The thing is I didn’t even have a min to sit and think about it, I was off to my new job in America.
The last day for me in the studio was a sad goodbye, and I went to the pub on my own and had a drink. It was 20 years of my life which was over, being in the same building, seeing the same people every day, eating lunch from the places around the studio, it had been a great wonderful time but I was also ready to leave.
I gotta ask, Do you ever regret selling it?
No, not at all. I needed a break from it all and this was a help to do that.
You already mentioned this, but then you move to Atlanta, in America, to teach as a lector at Savannah College of Art and Design. How did that opportunity happen? And what was that transition like? Being a teacher in America all of a sudden..
It has been wonderful, and I am the chair of fashion at SCAD. I was asked by the college to to join them, which I did. It has been great and I am still at SCAD.i love it.
And then 3 years later, in 2021, you decide you wanna move back to Denmark, after 25 years of living abroad. What brought you back?
Well, that might have been the plan but I still live in America half the time of the year. This is perfect for me as I don’t think I can be in Denmark full time after now almost 30 years away.
Being back in Denmark, even if only part time, after so many years must have been a little trippy, can you tell me about what kind of emotions you were feeling and what that transition was like?
There is a big love for Denmark inside me, but I also have to get use to all the new ways of Denmark like the way people speak now, new words etc which I am not use to. Overall it have been great.
Not long after returning, you launch “Yours Truly”, correct? What made you want to get back into the fashion world?
Yours truly is a project based idea, where I work with other artists in building ideas and products. It is not a full fashion brand, as it can be other people running the projects and I am just the platform. I love this way of working.
How is Yours Truly different from Peter Jensen? And what’s your vision for the brand?
Said above or the YTPJ manifest
Looking back, what has been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in building either of your brands?
You can’t do anything in life without a challenge, and the same goes in building a business. Money, ideas, working with people etc etc
How do you think the fashion industry has changed since you first started?
YES! Of course it has, no question. Everything has changed since 1999.
What advice would you give to new entrepreneurs looking to start their own clothing brand?
I am really not sure, but one thing is listen, just sit down and listen.
How do you balance creativity and business in the fashion industry?
I am organized. I take my time to do my work, but also don’t undersell myself. I have bills to pay, and I want to have a good life, so business is important for me.
Now to something totally different… How would you describe a perfect day?
Getting a lot of work done, and then drink a beer
What motivates you?
Work and order.
How do you deal with creative blocks?
I look out the window for hours without thinking about anything. I like to put things in order.
What qualities do you find most important in the people you choose to spend time with?
Humor and that you can drink a beer or two.
Alright Peter. I always ask these two questions at the end of an interview. The first is. What’s your favorite movie(s) and why?
I don’t have a favorite movie for the simple reason that I like too many hahaha.
The second is. What song(s) are you currently listening to the most right now?
Peggy Lee; Is that all there is?