Stone Island Releases Book Retracing its Entire History

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Today Stone Island announced the release of an unpublished book, showcasing the luxury brands entire history, through the many personalities that has worn the brand.

Jay-Z, Stephen Spielberg and Noel Galaggher,… the list of personalities who have naturally worn Stone Island is long and remains impossible to define. Thanks to the functional attributes that the brand has developed, the Stone Iceland jackets have been the clothing of choice for an entire generation of artists who continue to claim their heritage today. The brand will also be eternally linked to the movement of English hooligans who brought back their tongue as a trophy at the end of each match. The history of Stone Iceland is filled with many little stories that have helped create a great brand that has few equals in its field. In the book, published in a few thousand copies, Carlo Rivetti, the founder of Stone Iceland and columnists around the world retrace the history of the brand.

The Stone Island Storia book edited by Rizzoli is available from today on the Stone Island site and in stores.

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